Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Choices in Assisted Living

If you can’t live on your own, what are your options?

When you need help with daily living, what choices do you have? You have three choices: home sweet home, a retirement community, or a nursing home as your health and preferences permit. While we’re speaking of choices, long term care insurance has proven to be another wise choice for many Americans – and with longevity increasing, it may be prove even more valuable to families in the future.

Assisted living. Some “assisted living communities” are small, some are huge, but regardless of size, they have common characteristics. Assisted living facilities are socially oriented, typically offering rooms or even distinct housing units for rent, with housekeeping and transportation and meals usually provided. They may or may not be licensed care facilities, and most don’t offer anything more than limited medical care onsite.

Residents really enjoy many of these facilities, but there are some caveats. Some elders really like their privacy, and assisted living facilities encourage a great deal of group activity. Also, sometimes these facilities do ask elders to pack up and leave. The classic example is when Alzheimer’s Disease progresses to a point where it motivates violent or socially disruptive behavior. The amount of personal care in one of these facilities may not be as much as desired. To enter one of these communities, you often have to pay about as much as you would for a luxury sedan (or two), and there is often monthly rent besides.

The nursing home. Of course, there are some elders who need frequent access to medical care – perhaps around the clock. This is the advantage of the nursing home. The disadvantages include a distinct lack of privacy, a borderline hospital environment, and of course the potential for mistreatment of the residents. Nursing homes are often perceived as the last residence of many Americans, but the reality is that some people do return home or transfer to an assisted living facility when their conditions improve.

Through a licensed nursing home, an elder can opt for three types of care. Skilled care is any daily treatment program prescribed according to a doctor’s orders and designed to improve a patient’s health; it is administered by a licensed nurse or therapist. Intermediate care is essentially skilled care delivered on a less frequent basis. Custodial care is care that helps people with daily living activities like eating and bathing, though it can also include things like catheter or colostomy draining. Long term care insurance commonly pays for all three types of care.

Just how expensive is nursing home care now? One national provider of long term care insurance put out a survey in early 2008 and found that the average annual cost of nursing home care nationwide is $76,460. It can be notably higher in big cities.
How about staying home? With demographic trends, the average suburban house may soon become a common kind of American retirement home. LTC insurance can pay for forms of skilled and non-skilled care administered in the home, such as rehabilitative care and therapeutic care. The problem is that the typical suburban home may need to be modified to accommodate a wheelchair, or to make bathroom visits easier, or to guard against falls and other mishaps. The typical suburban home is also some distance from a hospital, a mall, and friends, and public transportation in most of America’s suburbs is frustrating and inconvenient for many elders. But just being around family can help to counteract that isolation from community.

While welcoming an elderly parent into a home is a preferred choice for many baby boomers, talking openly about some of the financial and healthcare matters involved can make the lifestyle transition a bit smoother. Sharing a living space after a period of independence may not be easy, and it is wise to talk about who will pay for what, from medical expenses to food and gasoline.

Who can help you understand your choices? Speak with a qualified financial or insurance advisor who understands long term care insurance and assisted living options. What you learn may help you make better choices.

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